

Finished at dawn, dirty as always ^^




A force de passer devant ce bâtiment, j'y suis retourné avec un peu de peinture. Pas très propre, espérons que ça vienne avec la pratique.
Les murs sont vierges sur GoogleMaps mais tout est recouvert. C'est super actif, surtout avec le beau temps. Ça vaut le coup d’œil si on est vers Paris, avec en prime une ambiance familiale.
Et des trottoirs magnifiques.
C'est tout à fait légal donc on peut apporter son matériel.
Since I came across this building I wanted to give a try at spaypaint again. Not clean though, let's hope it will come with practice.
The walls appear to be blank on GoogleMaps but the whole building is covered up with paintings.
Lot's of people are painting there
frequently. It's worth a look if you're in the Paris area.
Sidewalks are gorgeous.
It's a legal place so feel free to bring some colors with you.



Eliss for iThings is free today.
A game by Steph Thirion.
Clever and classy with some nice multitouch features.
Sound is superb.

Looking forward to his next game Faraway.

Faraway teaser from steph thirion on Vimeo.


Forget-Me-Not, I'm in love

While this game looks a lot like Pacman at first sight, the dev mixed in some great game mechanics.
The goal is to gather the dots in order to open the exit door. You will need the key (which acts as a shield) to go through the exit.
You can shoot at the monsters and yourself thanks to the warp doors. The enemies fight against each other as well.
Grinding on the walls is also an option to gain speed and be able to destroy enemies on contact.
Oh and the maps are randomly generated. Infinite fun.
A two player coop with friendly fire enabled is also avalaible.

I've been enjoying this game on an IpodTouch, but the controls feels much better here with a keyboard plus it's free.
Download Forget-Me-Not on Nyarlu Labs. Windows/OsX. - it seems there's some issues on Osx1.4 but the author is working on it -




Super Puzzle Platformer

this game is such a time eater !
Play it there in your web brower.
Dowload here (Mac/Win)



practice, practice.


Secret Base #001

Moins le temps de dessiner mais pour une excellente raison ! Plus de détails prochainement.
Been quite busy lately, working on a new exciting project. More details soon.